If you're thinking about donating to Operation Smile, here's a little encouragement (pic):

All donors will get The Consolation Prize, an individually personalized thank you photo of me doing something zany or interesting (except the real thank-yous will be done somewhere deep in South America rather than my boring office).
Read about all the other awesome incentives on my donation page here: http://www.justgiving.com/petemototaxi/

P.S. One arm hand stands are actually quite hard to hold for a few seconds, you don't want to know how much of my lunch hour I wasted trying to get this right with my cell phone camera... here are some other attempts!

All donors will get The Consolation Prize, an individually personalized thank you photo of me doing something zany or interesting (except the real thank-yous will be done somewhere deep in South America rather than my boring office).
Read about all the other awesome incentives on my donation page here: http://www.justgiving.com/petemototaxi/
