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Injuries - State of the Pete

Mike on Saturday said "I don't think I've ever had so many injuries at once before." So true. They're not really injuries for me, and they're a combination of other sports I've been playing (honestly I've only aggravated stuff doing parkour mostly), but a quick overview of how Pete feels right now, starting the sixth week of training at Primal Fitness, in order of most to least impact:

  • Right elbow has "tennis elbow" and is sore, not supposed to do anything that is painful. Happened during softball, can't really play softball right now as a result (throwing = bad).
  • Right leg has a minor groin pull up near the top, hurts to walk around generally and I have to be careful how I use it. Jumping off the right leg might be totally fine once, then incredibly painful the next time. Randomly gets very painful and tight during class or walking around and causes me to limp. Happened before kickball a couple weeks ago trying to do a cartwheel into a side flip (almost got it!).
  • Right wrist is very sore, same wrist that always gives my problems. Doing anything that involves putting weight on the wrist downwards with it bent is very painful and uncomfortable, so I have to do pushups and things like that up on my fingertips or on the pads of my palms with my wrist locked. Started to really act up the day we did the mad planks in class, hasn't had a chance to fully heal yet.
  • The back of both calves, down near the ankle, are both very tight and have been for a couple weeks. This is a result of all the exploding upwards with those muscles during wall runs. They feel weird. Random spikes of pain when I turn my foot at certain angles walking or lying down.
  • Left shoulder is slightly tweaked, not sure what happened here. I only feel it when stretching now, but it does make stretching the left arm hurt.
  • Both knees are wobbly and slightly painful. I've always had knee issues, thankfully aside from a couple weeks ago when my left knee was annoying for a week, they have held up. They are loose enough to feel that they are "at risk" but so far no real pain or issues, just a little nervous.
  • The pads of both hands are seriously torn up with callouses. I'm used to callouses there from riding bikes and stuff, but the top is getting ripped off every other day now, so I have to really take care of them. They always hurt touching things.
  • Last but not least, my FINGERS HURT right now. Especially on Sunday, I could barely play xbox. I'm assuming this is a result of, oh, I dunno, maybe repeatedly hanging from then climbing up a wall using my fingertips?
The best part about the above? Every single one of those makes me feel alive and reminds me why I love being active. Yes, I have a tendency to push too hard and ignore things until they turn into worse things, but man, beating yourself up is just FUN!

And hey, so far this summer I haven't had any "real" injuries, which is great! (unlike this Spring with the torn quad and last Fall with the broken toe then shredded knee...)

P.S. I have officially signed up for the second six week boot camp at Primal. I can't recommend the gym, the class, or the instructors enough. It has been an absolutely fantastic time and I'm looking forward to more of it.

One problem - the second level boot camp is Tue/Thu/Sat. This means I have to drop out of softball, and may impact kickball. I really don't want to lose kickball though, but our games are supposed to be over by 7PM usually. I'm hoping I can go play kickball at the Mall then jump on my bike and haul ass up to Primal (about a mile) by 7:10. Will be late for the warmups but hopefully I can work something out with the instructors so I don't have to do 50 burpees every time... The real decision is then, do I go from training back to the bar or just skip hanging out at the bar entirely? I don't want to do the latter but the idea of the former... well, we'll see.

Then it also means my Mondays and Wednesdays suddenly free up... so I was thinking about seeing if I can train with the daily advanced class on those days too. Assuming my body holds up to all this... I really wanna start doing the freerunning class on Fridays too.

Haha. I'm loony.


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